It should be noted, as added value, the environmental investment policy, called GREEN POWER, by the production center during 2018, and resulting, thanks to the 3900m2 photovoltaic roof, the 120% of the necessary electric power at production process.
The use of the photovoltaic roof amounts to CO2 reduction made by 18,835 trees in a year.
We have also opted for this Clean and Sustainable Energy source in our main facilities by means of a Photovoltaic Installation composed of solar panels. With this we avoid the emission of more than 110.000kg of CO2 in its 25 years of useful life.
Solar energy avoids the use of other sources that pollute the air we all ultimately breathe.
In our Corporate social responsibility program, some annual funds are spent on tree planting, donating to non-profit organizations, committed with the forest’s recovery and climate change mitigation.
Last year we chose REFORESTA ASOCIATION for our donations, which were destined to tree plantation in Almorchones Hill, Madrid. We also collaborate with the autochthonous wildlife and its habitat group and the wildlife recuperation center GREFA.