Global presence of ENVERTEC. Use the map or the countries list for obtain more information about the scope of our projects and our presence around the world.
Protection of Installation and power supply continuity in MEXICO_ Bird preservation and anti-electrocution. C.F.E. MV network. The CAON®-KORWI® silicone devices: SPPMX336 has been specifically developed for avoid bird electrocutions and electrical service interruptions on MV Networks (13<34,5kV) of CFE network in Mexico.
New MV/HV supplies_ LUANDA (ANGOLA)_ ENVERTEC S.L. proceeds to supply 2,150 units of Polymeric Insulators with Medium and High Voltage 36kV – 66/72,5kV, Type suspension. Rigid and substation support, destined to Portuguese companies which works in Angola.
3 years ago, Angola only had 36 substations in all national electrical network, this number has been increasing, but it is still insufficient.
Visit to Costa Rica_ Inspection of installations equipped with CAON-KORWI® Bird protections. Envertec Technicians visited San Jose, Guanacaste y Cartago, among other areas, with the purpose of inspect the installations equipped with their Bird Protection Covers on MT overheads lines, and take data for new designs intended to preserve the ecological heritage, cornerstone of the Costa Rica’s cultural richness and their economic mainstay.
The ENVERTEC S.L. products are being widely accepted in Colombian market, a good example are the installations of our covers in overhead transformation centers in Bogota, as well as other Colombian cities they are fighting a battle for bring the public service to the citizens and at the same time protect the installations.
Export of specific materials. The commercial relationship with Chile is extended thanks to the export of CAON®-KORWI® Polymeric Insulator with specific design for high pollution level for 220kV networks. It is possible that Santiago (Chile) doesn’t produce more pollution than other important cities, the problem is that it is rounded by hills.
New Supply in BULGARIA. Power supply continuity. Our CAON®-KORWI® silicone devices extends its presence to Bulgarian Market thanks to the supply of bushings and conductors protectors in 132kV substations, in particular our SWP66kV , SPSF6 and STSC13 models, in addition to the supply of our SWP-28 cover for use on rail network, which have been recently approve by the infrastructure manager.