Catenary Protection Solutions

We are happy to present our new models: SWP12 , SWP28 SPC   SPPD ,  and  SPSM , with these bird protection covers we provide a solution to all the variables for the protection of catenary elements that are currently presented in railway installations.

 The register of superficial leakage measured in different places on our insulators was significantly less than others insulators strings typologies, determining that there is a total insulated and safe to birds surface with larger length in this new models vs. other strings insulators.  

 The Dielectric tests at industrial frequency under rain 36kV and 72kV tensions has been made in the OFFICIAL AND CENTRAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY –(F.F.I.I.)- TecnoGetafe, Madrid. We take this opportunity to thanks them, specially TRAGSA and MITECO.